Layanan Pengiriman Bunga

Pengiriman cepat dan bunga segar untuk semua kebutuhan acara spesial Anda.

Pengiriman Cepat

Kami memastikan bunga dikirim dengan cepat dan tetap segar untuk setiap keperluan Anda.

An elegant arrangement of various flowers, including pink roses and white orchids, set against a dark background. The flowers are surrounded by lush green leaves and some small budding green plants.
An elegant arrangement of various flowers, including pink roses and white orchids, set against a dark background. The flowers are surrounded by lush green leaves and some small budding green plants.
Desain Personal

Kami menyesuaikan desain bunga sesuai keinginan Anda untuk menciptakan kesan mendalam dan spesial.

An elegant floral arrangement featuring tall, white delphinium blooms and a mix of other white flowers, including roses and hydrangeas, displayed in an artistic ice vase. The background is a dark shade, which highlights the vibrant and fresh appearance of the flowers.
An elegant floral arrangement featuring tall, white delphinium blooms and a mix of other white flowers, including roses and hydrangeas, displayed in an artistic ice vase. The background is a dark shade, which highlights the vibrant and fresh appearance of the flowers.

Pengiriman Bunga

Kami menyediakan layanan pengiriman bunga cepat dan segar ke Jelambar dan sekitarnya untuk berbagai keperluan acara spesial.


Jalan Jelambar Jaya III No. 3A,

Rt. 08 RW.2, Jelambar Baru Grogol Petamburan Jakarta Barat


08:00 - 20:00

Ulasan Pelanggan

Bunga segar dan pengiriman cepat, sangat memuaskan untuk berbagai acara.

Pengalaman luar biasa! Bunga yang indah dan pengiriman tepat waktu. Sangat merekomendasikan toko ini.

Dewi S.
A vibrant arrangement of flowers featuring prominent yellow sunflowers in the foreground, surrounded by a mix of red, pink, and blue flowers. The greenery of the leaves enhances the freshness of the display.
A vibrant arrangement of flowers featuring prominent yellow sunflowers in the foreground, surrounded by a mix of red, pink, and blue flowers. The greenery of the leaves enhances the freshness of the display.


Layanan yang sangat baik! Bunga yang dipesan sangat indah dan sesuai harapan. Pengiriman cepat dan profesional, membuat acara kami semakin spesial.

A collection of vibrant floral arrangements, primarily featuring red flowers and green foliage. The flowers are placed in glass vases on a flat surface, and there is a sign with German text in front of them. The backdrop is dark, accentuating the rich colors of the flowers.
A collection of vibrant floral arrangements, primarily featuring red flowers and green foliage. The flowers are placed in glass vases on a flat surface, and there is a sign with German text in front of them. The backdrop is dark, accentuating the rich colors of the flowers.
Rudi T.

